One great way to start your search for the best functional medicine doctors near you, is to search for accredited doctors and their practice locations. Functional medicine doctors focus on identifying and treating the root causes of your chronic diseases and other health issues that are affecting you rather than treating your symptoms. A good functional medicine doctor will take the time to listen to all of your health concerns and guide you through a comprehensive list of your  treatment options including conventional and complementary therapeutics.

Index Clinic is a great care place to start your search. With board-certified physicians who have advanced training in functional medicine, nutritional supplements, and advanced lab testing beyond what is available in conventional medical settings. They believe that food is medicine and will work with you to help you find your optimum health. At Index Clinic, you will be working with a dedicated healthcare team committed to your success including a functional medicine physician, nutritionist, and care manager.

Continue reading to learn more about what functional medicine is and how to find the best functional medicine doctors near you.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that aims to identify and address the underlying causes of chronic disease. Functional medicine practitioners seek to understand the unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors contributing to a patient's health problems.

Functional medicine doctors use various diagnostic tools, including blood tests, stool analysis, and hormone testing to identify imbalances and deficiencies within the body. Based on these results, they develop individualized treatment plans that may include dietary changes, nutritional therapy including IV treatments, exercise recommendations, stress reduction techniques, and other natural treatments that complement conventional pharmacologic approaches.

One of the key principles of functional medicine is that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. By addressing the underlying cause of chronic disease, functional medicine doctors seek to support the body's natural healing processes and promote long-term health and wellness.

How do I Choose a Functional Medicine Doctor?

If you are interested in exploring functional medicine to manage chronic disease, choosing a qualified and experienced functional medicine doctor is important. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a functional medicine doctor.


Look for a practitioner who has completed a functional medicine certification program and/or has extensive training and experience in this field. The Institute for Functional Medicine and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine offer certification programs for healthcare practitioners who want to specialize in functional medicine.

Our doctors at Index Clinic are board-certified in both functional medicine and traditional medical specialties.  Their advanced medical training empowers them to give you the best medicine has to offer.


Ask how often the practitioner has been practicing functional medicine and what types of chronic diseases they have successfully treated using this approach.

Our doctors at Index have been using the functional medicine approach for years and have successfully treated many patients struggling with chronic diseases ranging from digestive issues, weight gain, hormonal issues, and cardiovascular disease.

Patient-Centered Approach

Look for a practitioner who will take a patient-centered approach to your care. They should listen carefully to your concerns, take the time to understand your unique health history and lifestyle, and develop a personalized approach based on your needs and goals.

At Index, we take a root-cause, personalized approach to your healthcare. This means we're dedicated to each individual's treatment plan. At Index, our treatments are focused on nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Collaborative Approach

A good functional medicine doctor will work collaboratively with other healthcare practitioners to ensure your care is coordinated and comprehensive.Our healthcare team will work with your medical doctor(s) and other members of your healthcare team if needed. Our functional medicine doctors are here to support you, work with you, and coordinate your care with your healthcare team.

Natural Treatments

Functional medicine emphasizes using natural treatments such as diet, exercise, and botanical/nutritional supplements rather than relying solely on prescription drugs. Look for a practitioner who shares this philosophy and is committed to helping you achieve optimal health through natural means.

Our team at Index works with you to design a personalized treatment plan focused on your lifestyle and treating the root causes of your symptoms. This may include dietary modifications, exercise recommendations, and natural supplements. We have seen many patients suffering from long standing chronic illness including autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and heart disease improve their quality of life with this holistic approach.

Patient Testimonials

Check the practitioner's website or social media pages for patient testimonials and reviews. This can give you a sense of the practitioner's approach and the types of results they have helped their patients achieve.

At Index, you can easily find our success stories on our website. These stories are based on the work done by our functional doctors and care team. Find a medicine doctor near you by using our website. You can work with your own dedicated team of healthcare professionals committed to helping you optimize your health.

Things to Avoid in a Functional Medicine Practitioner

It's important to do your research to ensure you find a knowledgeable, experienced practitioner with a good reputation. While there are many excellent functional medicine practitioners in the field there are  some red flags to be mindful of when searching for your functional medicine physician.

Lack of Credentials

One of the most important things to look for in a functional medicine doctor is his/her credentials. Try to ensure that your practitioner is properly trained and certified in functional medicine. This includes completing accredited programs, passing certification exams, and participating in ongoing training and education. Be wary of practitioners without proper credentials, education, or credentials and practitioners who are not licensed to practice in your state.

Promises of Miracle Cures

Be cautious of functional medicine doctors who promise miracle cures or guaranteed results. While functional medicine can be a powerful tool for improving health, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each person's health journey is unique, and it takes time and effort to address the root causes of chronic illness. Avoid practitioners who promise quick fixes or downplay the importance of lifestyle changes and natural treatments.

Lack of Communication

Effective communication between a patient and practitioner is crucial for successful treatment. Be wary of doctors who don't listen to your concerns, dismiss your symptoms, or don't take the time to explain their diagnosis or treatment plan. Functional medicine doctors should take the time to answer your questions, explain their approach, and work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan.

Poor Reviews

Before choosing a functional medicine doctor, research and read reviews from other patients. Look for practitioners with positive reviews and a good reputation in the functional medicine community. Avoid doctors with a history of malpractice, disciplinary actions, or negative reviews from their previous patients.

The Difference Between Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Conventional Medicine

Integrative and conventional medicine are two different approaches to healthcare. While conventional medicine follows the traditional Western medicine approach to healthcare, integrative medicine combines conventional medicine with alternative and complementary therapies to provide a more holistic approach to healthcare.

Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine, or allopathic medicine, is the dominant form of healthcare in the Western world. This approach focuses on diagnosing and treating specific diseases and their symptoms using drugs, surgery, and/or other medical interventions.

Conventional medicine is based on the idea that a specific pathogen or abnormality in the body causes illness. Treatment typically aims to eliminate the pathogen or correct the abnormality through medication, surgery, and/or other medical procedures.

One of the strengths of conventional medicine is that it may provide rapid relief from acute symptoms, such as pain or infection. However, conventional medicine is often criticized for overly focusing on treating symptoms rather than the underlying causes of disease. This can lead to treatment plans focused on medications that may in turn have side effects and may not address the root cause of the problem.

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine is a relatively new approach to healthcare that seeks to combine the best conventional, alternative, and complementary therapies. This approach recognizes that the body is a complex system and that various factors, including diet, exercise, stress, and environmental toxins, influence health.

Integrative medicine offers a holistic approach to healthcare, aiming to address the underlying causes of disease rather than focusing on  symptom management. This approach emphasizes the importance of the patient-provider relationship and strongly emphasizes patient education and empowerment.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is an emerging field in healthcare focused on identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic disease. Functional medicine practitioners aim to understand the underlying imbalances and deficiencies within the body that contribute to the development of chronic disease.

One of the key principles of functional medicine is that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. By addressing the underlying causes of chronic disease, functional medicine practitioners seek to support the body's natural healing processes and promote long-term health and wellness.